Monday, 27 April 2009

Cards and Etsy

These last few weeks I have been sorting out all my crafting stash (I had soooo much more than I thought) and making loads of cards. I have really enjoyed it but now I need to decide what to do with all the cards. I could open an eBay shop, or I could use the Etsy shop I set up earlier in the year, or I could set up a website just for selling the cards. I can't decide, each option has things going for it and things against and it is driving me nuts, and all the while the cards just keep coming. A lot of people use eBay but do people really go there if they want to buy a handmade card? Etsy definitely does get people looking for handmade items but most people I know have never heard of it. A purpose built website would be fun to set up but would need alot of marketing etc.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Any and all advice gladly received.

Anyway, here are just a few of the dozens of cards. I am still working my way through photographing each one individually.


Helen said...

I wouldn't go online on purpose to buy handmade cards - I'm far more likely to buy them when someone is brandishing them in front of my face and I can see how cute they are. Because you think 'hey, a few nice cards always come in handy to have in stock'. So I'd say the etsy site would be good because people come there specifically to buy handmade stuff, as opposed to ebay. But how about a paypal option from your blog?

Jazzy said...

Good idea, will look into that.